
Social welfare

Chief Minister’s Girl Child Protection Scheme

The Chief Minister’s Girl Child Protection Scheme, introduced by the then Hon’ble Chief Minister of TamilNadu in 1992,is a pioneering and path-breaking scheme for the welfare of girl child. The Girl Child Protection Scheme is aimed at preventing gender discrimination by empowering and protecting rights of girl Children through direct investment from Government.

The scheme aims to:

  • Promote enrollment and retention of the girl child in school and to ensure her education at least up to intermediate level.
  • Encourage girls to get married only after the age of 18 years.
  • Encourage parents to adopt family planning norm with two girl children.
  • Protect the rights of the girl child and provide social and financial empowerment to girl child.
  • Strengthen the role of the family in improving the status of the girl child.

Mode of Deposits under the Scheme


An amount of Rs. 50,000 is deposited in the name of the girl child born on or after 01/08/2011, in the form of fixed deposit with the Tamil Nadu Power Finance and Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited, for a family with one girl child only. The copy of the fixed deposit receipt is given to the family of the girl child.


An amount of Rs. 25,000 is deposited in the names of two girl children born on or after 01/08/2011 in the form of fixed deposit with Tamil Nadu Power Finance and Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited, for a family with two girl children only. The copy of the fixed deposit receipt is given to the family of the girl children.
The above deposit is renewed at the end of every 5 years and on completion of 18 years of age the amount deposited along with interest will be given to the girl child. To get this benefit, the girl child should appear for 10th standard public examination. Thus, the matured amount will help the girl child to pursue her higher education. The new scheme implemented from 01.08.2011 has maturity benefits as detailed below.

Details of Final Maturity
Sl.No. Schemes Initial Deposit Amount (Rs.)
1. Scheme-I 50,000
2. Scheme-II 25,000(for each girl child)

From the year 2013-14, the benefits provided under the Marriage Assistance Scheme have also been extended to the beneficiaries under the Girl Child Protection Scheme who were enrolled in the years from 1992 to 1995.

An annual incentive of Rs.1800 is given to the girl child every year from the 6th year of deposit in order to meet education expenses.For this scheme, the Annual income limit was enhanced from Rs. 24,000/- to Rs.72000/- with effect from 14.10.2014 for both Schemes.

Applicants should apply with relevant documents
  • Income Certificate
  • Nativity Certificate
  • No male child Certificate
  • Birth Certificate of Girl Childrens
  • Sterilization certificate
  • Ration Card
  • Age certificate / TC of father & mother
  • Community Certificate

This e-sevai centre and also submit a copy to DSWO, Chennai , and reconcile with original documents.


To avail benefit under this scheme, the annual income of the family should not exceed `72,000.

In most communities, it is a customary cultural requirement for a girl to wear “Thirumangalyam” made of gold during marriage and the parents celebrate the marriage function according to their customs and cultural backgrounds. However, parents from economically weaker sections are not able to cope with the burden of expenses towards the marriage of their daughters. In order to help such parents and to encourage them to educate their daughters till the right age, Marriage Assistance Schemes were introduced by the Government. Five Marriage Assistance Schemes are implemented to help the daughters of poor parents, orphan girls, widows who re-marry, widows daughter’s marriage and inter-caste married couples.

Eligibility Criteria for availing assistance under the five Marriage Assistance Schemes


Education Qualification: The bride should have studied 10th Std (passed or failed), If studied in private / Distance Education, bride should have passed 10th std, Bride should have studied up to V Std in case of Scheduled Tribe.

Cash Assistance: `25,000 paid through ECS.


Education Qualification: Degree holders from regular colleges, Distance education / Government recognized Open University are eligible, Diploma holders should have qualified from the Institution recognized by the Directorate of Technical Education, Government of Tamil Nadu.

Cash Assistance: `50,000 paid through ECS.


Under this scheme, financial assistance of `15,000 is given through ECS and `10,000 as National Savings Certificate along with 4 gram 22 carat gold coin for making “Thirumangalyam”. There is no income ceiling and educational qualification prescribed to avail benefit under this scheme. The degree / diploma holders are given `50,000, out of which, `30,000 is given through ECS and `20,000 is given as National Savings Certificate along with 4 gram 22 carat gold coin for making “Thirumangalyam”.


Cash assistance of `25,000 is given under this scheme, out of which `15,000 is given through ECS and `10,000 in the form of National Saving Certificate along with 4 gram 22 carat gold coin for making “Thirumangalyam”. The degree / diploma holders receive `50,000 out of which `30,000 is given through ECS and `20,000 as National Saving Certificate along with 4 gram 22 carat gold coin for making “Thirumangalyam”. There is no income ceiling and minimum educational qualification stipulated.


Free supply of Sewing Machine Scheme is being implemented by the Social Welfare and Nutritious Meal Programme Department., in order to enhance the income of widows, deserted wives, women from economically weaker sections, differently abled men and women, and socially affected women through self-employment.

The cloths for the Free Supply of Uniform Scheme is being supplied by the Department of Textiles and Handlooms to the 32 cutting centers functioning under the control of Social Welfare Department. The cloth cut in the cutting centers are given to the concerned Tailoring societies for stitching the uniform and the stitched uniforms are delivered to the 413 AEEOs and 67 DEOs of education department through these societies.

15500 Advanced type of sewing machines were provided to the members of Women Industrial Co-operative Societies with 10% Government subsidy. This has improved the quality of stitching of uniform and increased the productivity of the Women Industrial Co-operative Tailoring Societies.

Tailoring Training Centers for Tribal Women:

Women Tailoring Training Centers are functioning at Salem and Tiruvannamalai exclusively for the tribal women. In these centers, 35 tribal women are trained every year.


As per the landmark judgment of the Supreme Court of India, Transgenders should be treated as Third Gender. The Third Genders face familial rejection, social discrimination and marginalization from the mainstream society. They go through various harassments, deprivations and other forms of discriminations. They are even forced out from the schools on transformation as third gender. There is no job security and employment opportunity due to age old discrimination against them. Prevailing situations compel them to leave their families, discontinue their education and lead an almost nomadic life. The Third Genders who leave their families mostly do not possess with them any documents like birth certificate, educational certificate, community certificate and other essential identity cards like ration cards, Voter Identity Card etc.

Considering the problems faced by the Third Genders and to redress their grievances through welfare measures, the Government has constituted a Welfare Board for Third Genders. The foremost difficulty faced by the Third Genders is to earn their livelihood through a decent and respectable profession. To empower the Third Genders economically, bank loans upto `15.00 lakh with 25% subsidy are provided to the Third Genders Self Help Groups to take up income generating activities.

Various economic activities like provision stores, rearing of milch animals, canteens, production units of soap, napkin, milk products, plying passenger autos, load autos and business activities related to cloth, coir, rice etc., have been taken up by Third Gender Self Help Groups. 51 Third Gender Self Help Groups, with 442 Third Gender members have been provided assistance for various projects with 25% subsidy and 75% as bank loan.


The Act ensures a woman‟s right to reside in her matrimonial home. This Act has a special feature with specific provisions under law which provides protection to a woman to „live in violence free home‟. Though this Act has civil and criminal provisions, a woman victim can get immediate civil remedies within 60 days. Aggrieved women can file cases under this Act against any male adult perpetrator who is in domestic relationship with her. They can also include other relatives of the husband and male partner as respondents to seek remedies in their case.

Salient features of the Act:

Ensures Right to Residence under sec 17.
Ensures economic relief by recognising economic violence.
Recognises verbal and emotional violence.
Provides temporary custody of child.
Judgements within 60 days of filing of the case.
Multiple Judgements in a single case.
Cases can be filed under PWDV Act even if other cases are pending between parties.
Both petitioner and respondent can prefer Appeal.


Under the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961, the District Social Welfare Officers have been designated as the Dowry Prohibition Officers. Complaints filed with the District Social Welfare Officers and complaints referred by the Police are enquired into by the Dowry Prohibition Officers relating to dowry.